My Grounding Rituals

Over the years, people have said to me, “you look like you have it all together” and “looks like everything is going well for you” 

Well… yes because I stay in communication with life. For myself, that means taking aligned action. 

Running and refilling the cyclical flow of energy through the body. The energy tank must be fuller vs. emptier. 

Here are some grounding rituals that help my body settle. 

  1. Deep Stretches Soft Stretches. Movement. To get out of the head and into the body

  2. Baths to allow to be and feel. Fill thy cup. Epsom. Nervous system restoration. Because an overwhelmed Nervous System is going to default to saving energy and becoming low vibrational.

  3. Juicing. 1 week a month

  4. WhatsApp Video Calls. Laughing. Connecting. Sooooo good.

  5. Seawall. Nature. Ocean therapy. Paddleboarding

  6. Writing.

  7. Singing. Remember the YouTube video about Vocal Vibrations?

  8. Humans. Quality time. Connection.

  9. Reading. No screen reflections.

  10. Self massage.

  11. Essential oils

    Lastly, I want to remind you that with each time you practice, you are teaching your body how to behave - still in a very functional capacity - but in a ‘more grounded’ state. This means, your grounding activities, actually create more space in your body. They increase your capacity to deal. 

    If it feels like a chore, so be it. It may be because it’s new and your nervous system prefers familiar. Like all nervous systems do. It prefers familiar people, familiar experiences, familiar roads, and so much more. 

    Change must be done in a way that

    Always here to read any stories or anything you want to ask/share. 



Asma Kassam, BHK, CSNA, CFST

Kinesiologist, Fitness & Mobility coach, Certified Sports Nutrition Advisor, Certified Fascial Stretch Therapist, and Women’s Health Advocate

Asma Kassam